Want to hold an event?

Whether it is a community fun run, a public market or you are organising an event the City of Greater Bendigo could have the perfect location.

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Looking for Clubs and Groups?

Whether it is a community fun run, a public market or you are organising an event the City of Greater Bendigo could have the perfect location. We have many venues and locations for conferences, conventions, exhibitions and sporting events

Our parks, gardens, reserves and buildings can all be booked for community functions or gatherings. Relevant permits and/or insurance are also required to utilise many of these spaces and facilities.

Events and activities include:
• Performances
• Concerts
• Festivals
• Promotional or information displays and demonstrations
• Fundraisers

Public places include:
• Public gardens
• Reserves
• Open spaces to which the public have or are permitted, access
• Crown land
• Land owned or managed by the City.

For further information on how to hold a community event check out the City of Greater Bendigo’s website.

The City of Greater Bendigo hosts this event calendar in good faith that the information provided is correct. If events have been cancelled and we have not received notice, they may still appear.