Axedale Community Garden

Morning tea
Native Plants

Axedale Community Garden fosters positive community connections and grows nourishing food and plants that are good for people and the planet!

About Us

The Axedale Community Garden is auspiced by Axedale Our Town Our Future (AOTOF) and hosted by the Uniting Church (at the rear of the church 80 McIvor Highway, across from the Axedale Primary School). We regularly meet the first Saturday of the month (except for January) at 9.30am onwards and morning tea is usually a highlight! 

Although we are a relatively young and small community garden; established in 2020 (We have six large wicking beds, predominantly for vegetables and a native garden), volunteers report the encouraging atmosphere, learning and sharing gardening skills with like-minded people and a sense of achievement to be why they love tending to this wonderful garden. Many of us have felt a stronger sense of community within our small town because of our involvement in the garden, especially for some of the volunteers that haven’t been a resident of Axedale long. 

We are particularly proud of the teamwork that creating a new garden involves and seeing the garden evolve in such a short period of time, especially beginning during a pandemic! The community connections with the Uniting Church, the local CWA, Foodshare, Primary School, Gamelan ensemble, Tavern and the support we have received from the Bendigo Council, local businesses and community members are greatly appreciated and valued. We hope we can give back in more ways than fresh produce and smiling faces!

We can’t wait to see you down at the patch and to welcome you into such a positive space (and to enjoy the banter, experience awe from the wonderfully coloured sign, the funny gardening mistakes learned along the way and morning tea!) 

*Please ensure that you are considerate of others when taking produce and respectful of the space*

Other benefits of community gardening are: 

  • Meeting new people 
  • A sense of achievement 
  • Eating fresh produce 
  • Relaxation 
  • Fresh air in nature 
  • Reduce waste 
  • Building strong community connections 
  • Positive impacts on your wellbeing 

Get Involved

We would love you to join us and get involved. Become part of the action! The following opportunities are currently open:


Got a question or interested in joining us? We’d love to hear from you so please submit an enquiry and we will get in touch with you soon.

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