Bendigo Foodshare

Food Share
Community Support

Bendigo Foodshare is a charitable organisation that rescues donated and surplus food to feed more than 12,485 local people each week via food distributions to local charities, community groups and schools.

About Us

How does Bendigo Foodshare get food to people in need?

Just like our donors, the recipients of our food are everyday people: hard-working families struggling with unforeseen circumstances, individuals who’ve fallen on hard times, farming communities hit hard by drought and students in part-time employment trying to make ends meet.

To make sure people across Central Victoria and Greater Bendigo can access food when they need it most, we work with almost 90 not-for-profit groups that distribute the food on our behalf, including:

  • Charitable organisations
  • Community groups
  • Schools and early learning centres
  • Service Clubs

For further information on where to access emergency food relief in Greater Bendigo please visit the City of Greater Bendigo website.

What region does Bendigo Foodshare support?

The region we service extends beyond the city of Bendigo to Kyneton, Castlemaine, Heathcote, Rochester, Echuca, Beaufort, Boort, Girgarre and further afield.

Where does Bendigo Foodshare get its food?

The food we collect is primarily surplus food that is would otherwise have gone to landfill from a wide range of food businesses, such as:

  • Supermarkets and food retailers
  • Hospitality businesses
  • Food manufacturers
  • Agricultural businesses and growers

We work closely with these partners, their staff and our volunteers, to make sure the food we rescue and redistribute is suitable for human consumption and meets stringent food safety standards.

The type of food we have in stock varies from week to week, but regularly includes fruit and vegetables, meat, cooked meals and prepacked items, dry goods, bread and baked goods, drinks, dairy and eggs.

How does Bendigo Foodshare operate?

To run Bendigo Foodshare, we need to raise enough funds to cover the cost of warehousing, power for lights, fridges and freezers, staff wages, delivery van and forklift running costs.  We do this with the help of local business sponsors, philanthropic grants, grassroots fundraising events and charitable donations from people and groups across the region. View of our generous sponsors and supporters.

We are also helped by the big-hearted support of more than 300 unpaid volunteers, three staff members and a board of volunteer directors.  Learn more about volunteering at Bendigo Foodshare.

Bendigo Foodshare is a registered charity with Item 1 Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. Donations to Bendigo Foodshare of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Our is ABN 80 673 290 971.

Get Involved

We would love you to join us and get involved. Become part of the action! The following opportunities are currently open:


Got a question or interested in joining us? We’d love to hear from you so please submit an enquiry and we will get in touch with you soon.

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