Al-Anon Monday Meeting

Alcohol Anonymous
Support group

Have you been affected by someone else's drinking? If so, support and help is available at an Al-Anon meeting.

About Event

Not everyone trapped by alcohol is an alcoholic.  At an Al-Anon meeting you will meet other family and friends of problem drinkers learning how to live with the challenges of a drinking problem.  As well as support from the meeting, you will receive literature to help you learn more about the disease of alcoholism and how best to respond to it.  Do you identify with any of the following?

I often worry about a family member or friends drinking.

If the drinker loved me they would stop drinking.

If the drinking stopped everything would be OK.

I have been hurt or embarrassed by the drinker in my life.

If you identify with these statements, Al-Anon can help you.


Event Details